WWF-Romania and Floria have started in December 2014, a 3-year partnership that includes two important aspects: conservation, by which Floria gets involved in generating additional income for the preservation actions developed by WWF-Romania, and communication, through which Floria customers are informed about environmental protection projects, sustainable lifestyles and about the possibility to support WWF-Romania.
The most important component of this partnership is the “Gentleman with nature” project. In this project, Floria will donate to WWF-Romania 1% of its sales, in order to protect the wildlife in Romania.
Also, the Floria gives to its customers the opportunity to directly support WWF actions: they can purchase the WWF teddy bear, together with the flower bouquets (the entire amount of money will be used to protect the Romanian brown bears’ habitat), or they can choose the option “Donate to save wildlife in Romania”.
,Because we love flowers, we also love nature. Therefore, supporting the WWF programs, that address environmental issues, is a natural step for us. We want to protect the wildlife in Romania, by donating 1% of our sales and by encouraging our customers and to engage in environmental projects, by acquiring the WWF teddy bear or by donating straight from the site."(Marina Matei, e-Commerce Manager Floria.ro.)
Take action now and help us to save the wildlife in Romania! Be a “Gentleman with nature” - purchase a flower bouquet, buy a WWF teddy bear or donate!